Tuesday, December 15, 2009



I, Preahbath Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varaman Reachharivong Uphatosucheat Vithipong Akamohaborasart Nikarodom Thamik Mohareachea Thireach Borommaneat Rorombopit Preah Chau Krong Kampuchear Thipdey,

  • Having seen the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia;
  • Having seen the Kret dated November 1, 1993 on the Formation of the Royal Government;
  • Having seen the Kret dated November 24, 1993 on the Appointment of the First and Second Prime Minister;
  • Having seen the Kram No. 02 NS 94 dated July 20, 1994 promulgating the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Council of Ministers;
  • Having seen the Kret No. NS/R.Decr/1094-83 dated October 24, 1994 on the Reorganization of the composition of the Royal Government of Cambodia;
  • Following the request from both Prime Ministers and the Co-Ministers of Interior;

hereby promulgate,

The Law on the Suppression of Gambling which was adopted by the National Assembly, during the 5th Session of its first legislature, the whole substance is as follows:



Article 1:

Gambling of all kinds, in all places throughout the whole Kingdom of Cambodia shall be strictly prohibited, except those permitted by the Royal government.

Article 2:

All those letters of authorizations to open the gambling houses which have been issued so far aside those granted by the Royal Government shall be considered hereby as null and void.



Article 3:

The suppression and prevention of gambling of all kinds is the competence of the Ministry of Interior.



Article 4:

Any person who gambles shall be subjected to a fine from ten thousand (10,000) Riels to fifty thousand (50,000) Riels or to an imprisonment from one (1) week to one (1) month.

Repeated offenders shall be fined from fifty thousand (50,000) Riels to five hundred thousand (500,000) Riels plus an imprisonment from one (1) month to one (1) year.

Article 5:

Shall be subjected to a fine from five million (5,000,000) Riels to twenty million (20,000,000) Riels plus an imprisonment from one (1) year to five (5) years those who open, possess or manage gambling dens/sites and gambling agents.

Repeated offenders shall be subjected to a fine plus an imprisonment with a maximum term as listed above.

Article 6:

In the event one or more minor person(s) are found to be involved in gambling (with the adult persons), maximum terms of penalties as stated in articles 4 and 5 of this law shall be applied.

Article 7:

In the event money which have been put as bets in gambling, as well as money from those which the manager of a gambling den/site, head of the gambling, gambling agents, persons who assist in settling gambling payment, person who assumes function as a cashier, intermediary and gamblers… have been seized, they shall recorded properly in a procès-verbal by the agents of the competent authority and sent to the court.

All evidence which is used in such gambling shall be seized in the same manner as above.

Article 8:

Any production, importation for business purposes or for sale of gambling devices/ equipment of all kinds without authorization from the Royal Government shall be fined from five hundred thousand (500,000) Riels to five million (5,000,000) Riels plus an imprisonment from one (1) month to one (1) year.

These gambling devices/equipment listed above shall be seized as evidence.

Repeated offenders shall be subjected to a fine plus an imprisonment with a maximum term as listed above.

Article 9:

Money and evidence which were seized as stated in articles 7 and 8 of this law shall be forwarded to the court for a decision either to be seized as State’s property or to be destroyed.

Rewards to be given to the competent agent(s) or unit(s) and those persons who are involved in the suppression operation shall be determined by anukret.

Article 10:

Apart from the Royal Government, no authority may have the rights to grant authorization to open any gambling den/site anywhere at all. Any official or government agent who still continues to grant authorization to open any gambling shall be subjected to imprisonment from one (l) year to five (5) years.

Article 11:

Anybody who appeared himself/herself to defend gambling of any kind or a gambling den/site anywhere shall be subjected to imprisonment from one (1) years to five (5) years.



Article 12:

All provisions which are contrary to this law shall be hereby repealed.

Article 13:

This law shall be declared as urgent.

Phnom Penh, January 26, 1996

Norodom Sihanouk

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