Tuesday, December 15, 2009




The Royal Government of Cambodia,

  • Having seen the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia;
  • Having seen the Kret of His Majesty the Kingdom of Cambodia, Samdech Preach Norodom Sihanouk Varman, dated November 1, 1993 on the Formation of the Royal Government;
  • Having seen the Anukret of the Royal Government, No 15 dated December 15, 1993 on the Creation of the Council for Development of Cambodia; and
  • Pursuant to the needs of the Royal Government of Cambodia to rehabilitate and develop the country;

it is hereby decided:

Article 1:

The Senior Minister in charge of Rehabilitation and Development shall be responsible for facilitating the works of all ministries and other government institutions on all matters pertaining to the rehabilitation and development of the country, foreign assistance, and public and private investments.

The facilitation roles shall be as follows:

1. Determine priority needs for rehabilitation and development, for the immediate term, short, medium, and long term with the aim at developing concepts and an overall program of rehabilitation and development. This program shall be interactive and coherent. All projects shall be within the framework of this program.

2. Direct the allocation and supply of domestic and foreign resources for the rehabilitation and development of the country, more specifically the allocation of assistance from bilateral, multilateral and international agencies to meet the needs of the country, and the coordination of this assistance with private sector investments. The Senior Minister in charge of Rehabilitation and Development shall monitor and analyze these activities to ensure their efficiency.

Article 2:

The above mentioned facilitation roles shall concern the following fields.

1. The rehabilitation and construction of infrastructure to support agricultural and industrial production, tourism, transport, service industries, as well as rural development, and to provide for the welfare of the people.

2. The rehabilitation and development of human resources to improve people's health, to expand their knowledge base and know-how, and to change their behavior to adjust to the free market economy.

3. The reform of administrative structures and the change or amendment of rules and regulations for the purpose of obtaining social security, stability and welfare for the citizenry. The objective is to create a socio-economic environment conducive to the functioning of the free market system and whereby the State and the private sector act as partners with the State being the strategist of the development.

4. The development of natural resources and the management and protection of the environment.

5. The management of private sector investments.

6. The maintenance of relations with contributing countries and international agencies, particularly with the International Committee for the Reconstruction of Cambodia (ICORC) and the United Nations Development Programs (UNDP) with the aim of informing them of the concepts and priority needs for rehabilitation and development, as well as coordinate the efficient allocation of foreign resources to meet the need of the country.

Article 3:

The Senior Minister in charge of Rehabilitation and Development shall implement his mandate as specified above, as required in the overall administration of the Council for the Development of Cambodia "CDC", and as required in the daily administration the National Committee for Rehabilitation and Development "NCRD" and the National Committee for Investment "NCI". In special case, the Senior Minister in charge of Rehabilitation and Development shall directly participate in interministerial affairs and be involved with foreign counterparts in all matters pertaining to rehabilitation and development.

Article 4:

To effectively discharge his above-mentioned duties, the Senior Minister in charge of Rehabilitation and Development shall be assisted by a group of administrative assistants, experts and advisors.

Article 5:

Any regulations contrary with this Anukret shall be annulled.

Article 6:

All Ministries and concerned institutions and the Senior Minister in charge of Rehabilitation and Development shall implement this Anukret from the date of its signatures.

The First Prime Minister

Norodom Ranariddh

The Second Prime Minister

Hun Sen

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