Sam Rainsy’s Letter to the Editor published in The Cambodia Daily, December 28, 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009

Mr. Sam Rainsy raised Mrs. Meas Srey in defiance during the uprooting of the border poles on 25th October 2009. She was latter arrested and is currently in prison.

Sam Rainsy’s Letter to the Editor published in The Cambodia Daily, December 28, 2009


At best scapegoats, at worst hostages

In your article “Defenders’ Project Lawyer Takes On Border Posts Case” (December 26-27, page 13), it’s good to learn that a courageous lawyer has accepted to defend two Svay Rieng province farmers who were charged and detained in prison over their alleged involvement in the uprooting of small border demarcation posts on the border with Vietnam. The charges against Meas Srey and Prum Chea are part of a larger case against SRP President Sam Rainsy.

As specified in previous statements “The Real Court Is in Hanoi” (December 21) and “Stop State Terrorism in Cambodia” (December 23), I take full responsibility for uprooting the six wooden poles from villagers’ rice fields in Svay Rieng province on October 25.

I led villagers to their rice fields and got the controversial poles pulled out. Without my presence, my words and my act nothing would have happened in that village on that day. From a legal and judicial point of view I am the only person to be prosecuted.

Therefore, Meas Srey and Prum Chea are, at best, scapegoats given the authorities cannot reach me while I am abroad. At worst, they are just hostages because their arrest and detention are ways for the authorities to collectively punish the population for having complained about land confiscation associated with border encroachments to their elected representatives. It’s also a way to terrorize the population into stopping exposing an issue that is embarrassing for the government.

Sam Rainsy
Member of Parliament

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